obi Cortisol Test
Manage Your Stress:
Discover Balance
What is obi?
obi is an affordable at-home test designed to monitor the stress hormone—cortisol through a simple saliva test. No mail-in-kits required.
obi provides visual results within 20 minutes indicating if your morning and evening cortisol levels fall within normal ranges.
Why test cortisol for stress?
Manage Stress
The body's main response to stress involves the release of cortisol, a hormone commonly used as a biomarker for measuring stress levels.
Chronic high or low cortisol levels can be associated with numerous health problems, such as heart disease, obesity, immune problems, depression, and more.*
Effects of stress on your body:
Difficulty sleeping
Weight changes
Mood fluctuations
Muscle weakness and tension
How obi works
Collect sample
Collect a small sample of your saliva
Insert saliva collector
Insert saliva collector into the test device to start test
Wait for results
Wait 20 minutes for the test to finish running
View results
View test results to see if your cortisol is within a normal range
The science behind obi
Lateral Flow Technology
Benefits of obi home testing:
Real-time tracking: provides cortisol results within minutes without the wait for traditional lab results
Early warning system: regular testing can serve as an early warning system for stress-related issues
Objective measurement: provides a tangible, physiological indicator of stress
Cost-effective: costs less than lab-based competitors, allowing for more frequent testing
Efficacy of stress management techniques: monitor cortisol levels to assess the impact of various stress-reducing strategies

Working on managing
your stress?
Test from anywhere
— Track your
— levels
Achieve your health goals and live your healthiest life no matter where you are.